Thursday, July 16, 2009


Question: Why is this blog here?

Answer: I believe in open sharing of information. I want to document the details of how Whisperwind Eleven is organized, how we raid, and what we learn. I want to share the details of our boss kill strats, the stuff hidden in the details.

Willferal recently joined Whisperwind Eleven to raid with us. Will is an absolutely phenomenal player with a great personality who really knows his stuff. He's also a member of Unholy Aura on his main Splitty. Somebody asked me recently - aren't you worried Will will share your strats with UA? To put simply, no - I don't worry about that. I want UA to be successful, I want all the Horde guilds on Whisperwind to be successful. If another Horde guild passes Whisperwind Eleven on progression that's fine - perhaps they'll return the favor. There are so many strats publicly available the truth is that downing bosses lies largely on reading strats off the web, having a good team, and then adapting those strats to your team. Finally it involves working out small details specific to your raid.

I had an applicant ask me where our private forums are. I was a bit confused by this, as we don't really have any private forums. I don't really care who reads our forums - it's not like we have leet strats we don't want other people to see.

I raided with Cobrakai on my warrior Joulez a few weeks back. They had an extra spot for Yogg-Saron learning and I was eager to see them down that guy. I worked hard to be a good raider - bringing mats and pots. Being spec'ced correctly. Following orders, being respectful to the raid leader and offering up observations as they came to me. I want to see Cobrakai be successful too.

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