Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Tuesday's raid night

Wound up short-handed last night at raid start time. Senorita and Wootshock had a family dinner. Reapafied's account was hacked last week and he hasn't gotten it back yet. Lilithian and Deathpod had Blizzard authentication issues and Slapswell was on business so got in late.

I hate skipping raid nights. If there isn't something to do it has so many negative effects. First, it gives people an insecurity that in the future they could go out of their way to make a raid only to have it cancelled. This fear leads people to not try as hard to make the raid, which causes more attendance issues. Secondly, we only have 12 hours a week to raid so losing 3 hours is just terrible. Thirdly - doing "something" is usually better than sitting around at a meeting stone doing nothing.

So - we 20-manned Sarth 2 Drakes. A lot of people still needed the achievement, but we didn't want to give up a chance at Pennant Cloaks and Unsullied Cuffs (which wound up dropping). Turns out - 20-manning Sarth 2D really isn't that hard these days! Who knew? Especially if you down Shadron, burning through Tenebron and Vesperon is really kinda easy.

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